Anxiety Disorder and Depression
Mental and emotional health is essential to a quality life and living condition, thus issues such as anxiety disorder and depression ought to be addressed accordingly and quickly. In recent years, more and more scientific studies and research have been conducted in order to cater to millions of people who are experiencing these debilitating ailments. It is naturally imperative that issues such as these are remedied to enjoy the bliss of quality living.
There are seemingly great differences between the two although both are somehow dealt with in a similar manner. Although depression is referred to as a condition that is characterized by a low energy state, it may still be constituted with a lot of anxiety. As a matter of fact, those who are depressed feel excessive fears and anxiety inside them. On the other hand, people suffering with anxiety disorder know that this is such a depressing issue to consider.
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The link that binds the two behavioral disorders is important to discuss and understand to thoroughly determine the differences between them. It is important to come up with an accurate diagnosis to know the kind of treatment to give to patients. Knowing what associates one with the other is likewise essential to clearly understand why most patients who are experiencing anxiety disorder may eventually resort to excessive depression.
Anxiety disorder and depression is not one and the same thing based on its essence and characterization. For instance, depression consequentially generates certain kinds of emotions such as despair, helplessness or hopelessness and anger. A person with depression has an extremely low energy level and may feel quite overwhelmed by the tasks and activities he has in his daily life.
Furthermore, those who are battling with depression have sleeping disorders or changes such as insomnia or oversleeping known as hypersomnia. Depressed persons have already lost their energy and resort to weight or appetite changes. Some may dramatically gain weight while others lose weight in such alarming condition. There are also psychomotor agitation and retardation such as feeling sluggish or keyed up.
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Patients with anxiety disorder on the other hand experience excessive panic, fear and anxiety for situations which are deemed normal for other people. Such people are threatened and anxious for apparently no reason at all. They may resort to nagging and abnormal worries which restrict them from leading normal lives. The only common thing between anxiety disorder and depression is on the way these two are treated.
Professionals and medical experts are recommending almost the same treatments and therapies for both disorders. For instance, depression and anxiety patients are advised to take antidepressant medication and resort to psychotherapy to remedy their dilemma. The relaxation techniques and strategies which are effective in the treatment of anxiety disorder is likewise proven cure for depression issues. Patients who are suffering one of the two or even both disorders may find the great similarity in dealing with these two distinct conditions.
Anxiety disorder and depression may have different essence, character and effect but they are both instrumental in ensuring debilitating effects on whomever they affect. A great percentage of people who are found with major depression are the very victims who are diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. To treat one thing, it is imperative to deal with the other.
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